Human Resource Planning: Women

3 min readJul 30, 2021


Women have always been despised for being culpable at workplaces for abrogated productivity. Achieving parity with men has been an eternal crusade. Ever since the advent of a workplace that can accommodate both genders, every civilization in history has seen a long-standing skirmish to establish gender parity. The modern workplace, however, may have seen a considerable amount of changes that may have impacted the challenges being faced by women.

It is imperative to gauge the comprehension of what the outliers and the perimeters of a Modern workplace are. In the modern business era where the effect of competition and dynamic business circumstances are overwhelming, the efforts of human capital are forged towards being collaborative and agile. The inclusion of Gen Z in the workforce and the retirement of Baby boomers have impacted the cultural disposition and value system of the workplace across all business segments alike. With Gen X moving into the leadership cradle and Gen Y taking over tactical and sub-strategic positions, the outlook towards women issues has leaped forward. Human resource planning has gained forefront importance in estimating and interpreting how women can be utilized in areas that were never before envisaged.

The most common hindrances for women at a modern workplace include sexual harassment, unequal pay, distorted evaluation in performance appraisal, unfair treatment in terms of perquisites granted, and the choice of being posted across various designations.

Many corporate giants have been able to reduce the dissonance caused by these trivial issues by accommodating gender-neutral elements in their organizational culture and curb practices that have favored one gender over the other. Policies have been made such that no gender gets an edge over the other in terms of how they are placed and leveraged at workplaces.
Within the spectrum of human resource planning, being able to plan jobs that are gender-neutral and guarantee a high degree of satisfaction to all genders is a tedious task. Apart from the meticulous fabrication of such job roles, making the roles equally engrossing and enriched is deemed to be a continual process. Having all the human capital needs forecasted and being able to meet the needs with utmost precision is not only arduous but is also a cost-heavy exercise.

Work analysis and the effect of excessive workload on women have been debated. Since gender-neutral options of dealing with processes do not account for a leveled amount of workload. Although it has been proven time and again that workload can be handled equally well by women, it has been difficult to convince the maestros of HR planning to be able to accommodate the same within their echelons.

Upon observing the latest trends, it has been found that the overall composition of women in leadership roles has increased from 12% to a staggering 33% globally in the last decade. This milestone is an indicator of how many organizations have been able to breach preemptive notions & preconceived perceptions in their culture and establish progressive growth indicators of women being able to pronounce their potential and performance in varied walks of life.

Human resource planning plays a significant role in achieving this progress. The reason being, the cultural disposition of the organization and the elements that affect growth indicators are invariably commanded by the scope of execution of the factors that are directly derived from the repercussions of Human resource planning. All said and done, it is not just placing the right man at the right place at the right time, but it is also placing the right woman at the right place at the right time.

“Practice, patience, and prowess make a man perfect; a woman is born perfect”

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Written by DhakshinaVR

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